Today we talk about the future of food with Eugene Wang and Bill Broadbent. Eugene is the founder and CEO of Sophie’s BioNutrients. We chat about micro-algae protein, data, and why plant-based is the new vegetarian. Then later on I chat with Bill, the President of Entosense, about the many benefits of insect consumption. The food industry, from start to finish, has many practices that are harmful to people and the world. We can envision a future where everything, from food production to transportation, to sales are all done safer, cleaner, and more sustainably. I intentionally ask them some of the same questions and it’s interesting to hear their different perspectives.

Please Note: People who are allergic to shellfish may be allergic to bugs.
For an in-depth read on edible insects, check out the UN’s FAO publication “Edible Insects — Future prospects for food and feed security.”